Muslims In Africa

Muslims In Africa : Facts And Figures

The carth’s population is 75 million people , a mong them there are 2.04 billions are spread throughout all the populated continents. They form 28.26 % of the total world population. Compared to other dominant religions , Muslims percentage in continents ranges from 53.7% in Africa, 32% in Asia , 5% in Europe and 1% in worth and south America.

Africa is considered to be the second continent in term of Muslim population it’s only preceded by Asia with 32% from total population, where as the Muslims in Africa are 581.58millions representing 53.7% of the total population .

The Dominant Recitation Methods In Africa

By carrying out it’s pioneering role in the study of the actual situation of the needs of the African continent of the holy Koran , the house of the Qur’an of Africa has worked on the preparation , realization and licensing of the prevailing recitation methods in Africa according to its geographical spread .

North and east Africa: recitation method of Hafs in the authority of Asim .

West and North West Africa: recitation methods of Warsh , Aldoori and Hafs .

Centeral Africa : recitation methods of Aldoori and Hafs .

The rest of Africa :is devided between Hafs and Qaloun

Table of the proportion of Muslims and their numbers in the African continent – Information of the African population of the continent 2016

Prevailing recitation methods Percentage of muslims Number of muslims Total muslims State


Hafs 0.2% 2.686 1.349.000 Swaziland
Hafs 0.3% 32.610 10.870.000 Benin
Hafs 0.42% 120.000 28.810.000 Angola
Hafs 0.5% 11.020 2.204.000 Lesotho
Hafs 1% 4.860 486.060 Equatorial Guinea
Hafs 1.5% 1.041 94.677 Seychelles
Hafs 2% 10.791 539.560 Capeverde
Hafs/warsh 2% 73.720 3.686.000 The Cango
Hafs 4% 90.000 2.250.000 Botswana
Hafs 4.5% 8.996 199.910 Saotome and principe
Hafs 5% 829.500 16.590.000 Zambia
Hafs 7.44% 1.200.000 16.150.000 Zmbabwe
Hafs 12% 237.600 1.980.000 Gabon
Hafs 15% 3.733.500 24.890.000 Madagascar
Hafs 16% 202.080 1.263.000 Mauritius
Hafs/ Dori 18% 2.214.000 12.300.3000 South Sudan
Hafs 18% 1.369.080 7.606.000 Togo
Hafs 20% 922.800 4.614.000 Liberia
Hafs 24% 5.741.760 23.924.000 Cameroon
Hafs 25% 4.522.500 18.090.000 Malawi
Hafs 30% 3.576.000 11.920.000 Rwanda
Hafs 33.63% 15.000.000 44.600.000 Tanzania
Hafs 33.9% 34.713.000 102.400.000 Ethiopia
Hafs 35% 14.521.500 41.490.000 Uganda
Hafs 38% 9.006.000 23.700.000 Ivorycoast
Hafs 40% 726.400 1.816.000 Guinea Bissau
Hafs/Dori 48% 2.148.000 4.475.000 Eritrea
Hafs 50% 14.105.000 28.210.000 Ghana
Dori/ Hafs 50% 2.499.000 4.998.000 Central Africa
Hafs 50% 3.698.000 7.396.000 Sierraleone
Hafs 60.53% 10.646.622 17.589.000 Burkina faso
Dori/Hafs /warsh 70% 130.200.000 186.000.000 Nigeria
Hafs 90% 1.835.000 2.039.000 Gambia
Hafs 90% 16.191.000 17.990.000 Mali
Warsh 90% 13.770.000 15.300.000 Niger
Hafs 94% 885.480 942.000 Djibouti
Warsh 94% 12.878.000 13.700.000 Senegal
Hafs/warsh 95% 90.905.000 95.690.000 Egypt
Dori/Hafs/warsh 96% 13.920.000 14.500.000 Chad
Dori/Hafs/warsh 97% 38.392.600 39.580.000 Sudan
Hafs 98% 502.740 513.000 Western Sahara
Warsh 98% 4.214.980 4.301.000 Mauritania
Hafs 98% 975.100 995.000 Island Moon
Galoon/warsh 98% 11.172.000 11.400.000 Tunisia
Warsh 98.7 34.821.360 35.280.000 Morocco
Galoon/ warsh 99% 6.230.070 6.293.000 Libia
Dori / Hafs 99% 14.176.800 14.320.000 Somalia
Warsh 99.7% 40.488.170 40.610.000 Algeria

The situation of muslims in the continent is subject to many considerations prevailing there .

In the East they are aminority in Kenya , Ethiopia and Tanzania , and sometimes they form a majority or simple majority as in the case of south Sudan campared to Christians

In the middle of the continent wich include a large number of states such as : Burundi , Rawand , people’s republic of Congo ,Demogratic Republic of Congo ,Gabon, centeral Africa ,Equatorial Guinea and Sao tome and principemuslim are mostly classified as minority .

In Cameroon , the proportion of muslim does not exceed 24% and the proportion of muslim in the Republic of Chad exceed the 85% , mostly in the north and gradually decrease as we move south .

In western Africa , the majority is Muslim and the Muslim minority is limited to Benin , Ghana ,Cape verde , Guinea- Bissau, Sierraleon Liberia and in Ghana in some statistics , the proportion of Muslims exceeds 33%. South Africa and the Indian Ocean are Muslims minority areas, with the exception of Malawi ,where 25% are Muslims ,94% in Senegal and 70% in Nigeria .

Tribes and Islamic peoples in Africa are divided in to four large groups by geographical location as follows :

(A) Egypt ,Sudan ,Libia, Tunisia , Algeria ,Morocco , Muritania ,Somalia ,and Djibouti.

These people are dominated by the Arabic Language , which explains the holy Quran and some of them are illiterate. Other languages, such as Barbarian , Nubian and Somali , are spread in some languages . In term of the ethnic

(B) Composition of these peoples , the most prominent are :

The Arabs ,Berbers ,Nilons the Dinka ,the Nuer the Chaluk and the Anuak in the south .

The peoples of East Africa are : Tanzania – Ethiopia  – Eritrea – Comoros – Somalia and Djibouti can be replicated in terms of location and ethnic composition . These is African people are composed of the following ethnic groups :  Somalis – Afar or Danqul  -Tigri and Tigrinhg – Batu – Aramu – Nyamweizi – Yao and  Beja .

(C)The Islamic people in central Africa as follows:

Chad and Niger , central Africa and Gabon  where major ethnic groups consist of Bato in chad , ( Hausa , sengai and Guerma in Niger and Bantu

(D) The Islamic people in west Africa As Follows :

Senigal  – Gambia – Guinea – Bissau – Mali – Benin –Sirraleon – togo – Dahomi –Nigria – Cameroon . The ethnic groups are : Wolof , the tukolur  , the Manandaj , the Housa  , the Gaul , The Masai , The Moravian , The Sphinx , The Yoruba – The Canary , The Sarar , The Sinofu – The sanika –The Bariba – The Faye – The A can and lastly The Tyman .

Indicators Of The gap in The holy Quran according to the Quantities Distributed In to years to some African Countries .

Distributed Quranic in percentage State No
12% Senegal 1
12% Sudan 2
11% Kenya 3
7% Nigeria 4
1% Sirraleon 4
1% Niger 5
1% Muritania 6
1% Ghana 7
1% Djibouti 8
1% Chad 9
1% Tanzania 10
0.50% Cameroon 11
0.50% Togo 12
0.50% Guinea 13
0.50% Conakry 14
0.50% Somalia 15
1% Borkinafaso 16
1% Mali 17
0.50% Uganda 18
0.50% Souse Africa 19
0.50% Ivory Coast 20
0.50% Eritrea 21
0.50% The Congo kinshasa 22
0.50% Burundi 23
0.50% Comoros 24
0.50% Rwanda 25
0.50% Guinea Bissau 26
0.50% Madagscar 27
0.50% Malawi 28
0.50% Libya 29
0.50% Centeral Africa 30


Lower gap Small gap Large gap
80% 90% 95%


Countries most in need of the Quran and it’s parts through monitoring the distribution in the last ten years

state No state No state No state No
Bustwana 25 Mauritius 17 Zambia 9 Ethiopia 1
Swaziland 26 Egypt 18 Benin 10 Cape Verde 2
Angola 27 Namibia 19 Chad 11 Kenya 3
Lerion 28 Mozambique 20 Zimbabwe 12 South Sudan 4
Equatorial 29 Mayotte 21 Brazzaville 13 Lesotho 5
30 Western Sahara 22 Rwanda 14 Gabon 6
Principe 23 Saotome 15 Liberia 7
Uganda 24 Seychelles 16 Centeral Africa 8