Ambition And Challenges

The initial idea of the house of the quran Africa was crystallized in1904 , and then the efforts of he actual establishment of the project began in 2001 . the house was opened after the government of Sudan donated the land and the group of benefactors from in side and out side the Sudan initiated to finance the project .
It was a dream for the faithful who launched the idea that was later transformed by the grace of God and efforts of the benevolent in to reality However , at the beginning it was not with out problems and challenges . The most important of these challenges was the establishment of firm and effective rules to consolidate what we might call the Qu’anic printing . Adds new standards to the fixed sit of printing industry tool that have never been un complicated .
Given the level of quality close to the perfection required by the printing of the Quran which is most Superior book that can be printing industry tool that ave never ve rules ed in the face of the world .
More over the multi policy of recitations a cross the African continent was scientific and nontechnical demand to be a dressed by scientific , technical and administrative staff of the house . so that it pays off accurately and effectively in the dissemination of the Quran in the continent . and that many of the Africa communities looking forward to an integrated or reasonable list of Quranic translations in their local languages, specially in the scope of the of the Quran and the interpretation of Quranic tajweed and some languages spoken by millions .
The house of the Quran of Africa is based on two administrative and technical pillars that have many potentials to support house in the performance of it’s mission .
The administrative pillar is based on the main bodies of the house represent by the board of trustees of the house and it’s board of directors and then the executive management which is headed by the managing director of the house and other specialized department .
The technical pillar of the house of the Quran of Africa is devised among three main systems : production , scientific management and quality control ,all of which work through joint coordination to achieve
The qualitative objectives of the plans adopted each year in accordance
With the basic conditions and specifications of the house Quran and the amendments and additions contained in the contracts of………..